ChiroThin™ Saftey Guidlines

ChiroThinThe ChiroThin™ Program is doctor supervised. Each participant has a follow-up visit with the supervising doctor on a weekly basis. During these doctor-patient encounters, patients will answer questions regarding their overall health, their adherence to the diet, and any struggles or challenges they may be experiencing. Participants are then weighed, receive an 8-point body measurement, and their blood pressure is taken. Doctors use this data to calculate each patient’s BMI. Based on all of this information, participants are then given detailed information and instruction as it pertains to what they need to do for the upcoming week.

All patients are prescreened for complicating factors, poor prognostic indicators, and contraindication. If the screening reveals a complicating factor or poor prognostic indicator, a doctor will discuss the concern with the potential participant.

Depending on the severity of the projected clinical implications of the complicating factor or poor prognostic indicator, a person may be prohibited from undergoing the program.
If a potential participant’s past medical history contains any contraindications, the participant is prohibited from undergoing the program.

The ChiroThin™ Program is based on a low glycemic index and anti-inflammatory (LGAI) diet.

The ChiroThin Program includes the consumption of complex carbohydrates and is not a “protein-only” program. Complex carbohydrates prevent excessive ketosis, hyperuricemia, diuresis, electrolyte loss, re-feeding edema, and they may improve muscular endurance.

While undergoing the six-week program, the participant consumes between twenty-four and thirty ounces of nutrient-dense low glycemic index and anti-inflammatory foods per day.
The nutritional support formula is specifically developed to aid in fatty acid metabolism, suppressing hunger and cravings, stabilizing blood sugar, and in the mild detoxification of the body.

The program is six weeks in duration and falls well within the accepted standards for very low calorie diets (VLCDs), as established by scientific data. These parameters include: doctor supervision, time on VLCD, dietary modifications, behavioral modifications, nutritional supplementation, and, when indicated, exercise.

The program provides a “re-feeding” component during which participants transition back to a “normal” diet composed of LGAI foods.

Participants are provided with guidelines, strategies, and tools to help them increase their chances of long-term weight loss success. These tools are based on each patient’s BMR, activity level, appropriate exercise, and continued healthy nutritional consumption.


© 2025 Epstein Chiropractic. All rights reserved. 315 Elmora Ave | Elizabeth, NJ 07208 | Phone: (908) 289-7500 | Fax: (908) 289-2171


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